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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态股权结构不合理引发的诸多弊端


发布时间:2023-02-27 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

1. Internal property rights are unclear
Although the enterprise is "dominant in one share", there is often a lack of contractual relationship between internal shareholders, i.e. family members, and property rights disputes continue to arise. In the early stage of enterprise entrepreneurship, a single property right structure is easy to cause confusion and ambiguity between enterprise assets and family property. However, due to the lack of contractual property rights definition within members, this leaves hidden dangers for property rights disputes after expansion. Enterprises often show the characteristics of being able to share the pain but not the same. When the enterprise has accumulated a certain amount of capital, the shareholders have different views on honor, money and power, which is prone to equity problems, leading to serious damage to the enterprise, even disintegration.
2. Serious shortage of talent management system
Jinan Top-level Architecture Design Company believes that in the early stage of the establishment of the enterprise, members are usually members due to the consideration of other ethical relationships inside and outside the family. However, with the development of the enterprise, this relationship is likely to cause internal friction within the enterprise organization and the organization, and hinder the growth of the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises are required to share ownership and management rights with others, which will make enterprises face great risks.
It is difficult for business owners to hire management talents with high ability and high loyalty. Even if they are employed, the decision-makers are more or less defensive. Therefore, enterprises often show that they reduce the efficiency of enterprises by taking care of their members in an unprincipled way, and at the same time, because non-members are not reused in the enterprise, the enthusiasm of these professionals is affected, resulting in a large flow of external personnel, which is bound to limit the pace of enterprise development.
3. Formalization of corporate governance structure
In enterprises, even if a standardized governance structure is established, it is difficult to implement it. In fact, it is a common institutional problem for enterprises to replace the governance structure with management mechanism. Although there is a board of directors in the corporate governance structure, due to the high concentration of equity, the board of directors is controlled by major shareholders, which is virtually non-existent.
Moreover, there is a family culture in the organization, which makes enterprise decision-makers often use "manipulation" to replace "management control" consciously or unconsciously in the process of management practice, and the organization, various rules and regulations and standards are formulated without openness and fairness, which results in less participation of external members in the current governance structure, not only low decision-making transparency, but also lack of good internal risk control mechanism, and serious lack of external supervision of the enterprise, It affects the scientific nature of decision-making and destroys the good goal of the enterprise.
4. Lack of good corporate culture
Some enterprises have insufficient understanding of the corporate culture, and only understand it from the slogan, which is a mere formality. The phenomenon of similarity is obvious. Although corresponding organizations are also set up inside the enterprise, they are in the same form. In order to make a living and not be eliminated by the cruel market, enterprise decision-makers often pay more attention to the current situation of the enterprise and pursue short-term interests. They have no time to take into account the cultural strategy that focuses on long-term interests. Therefore, it is difficult for enterprises to form a "people-oriented" corporate culture in the process of management, let alone rely on this culture to enhance the ability of enterprises to keep forging ahead.
The related contents of many malpractices caused by the unreasonable ownership structure are explained reasonably. If you have any difficult problems or needs, you can come to our website at any time http://www.daoshangbao.com Consult and understand!
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