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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态持股公司间接架构


发布时间:2024-09-06 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

持股公司间接架构是指自然人股东通过持股公司来持有目标公司的股份,适合长期持股的投资、多元化的企业集团、大股东的家族持股平台。选择持股公司间接架构时,应考虑企业的长期发展战略、税务筹划、风险管理以及控制权的需求。优点:1. 风险隔离:通过持股公司作为中间层,可以在主体公司和自然人股东之间形成风险隔离,降低间接持股股东面临的债务风险。

The indirect structure of a holding company refers to natural person shareholders holding shares of a target company through a holding company, which is suitable for long-term investment, diversified enterprise groups, and family holding platforms of major shareholders. When choosing an indirect structure for a holding company, consideration should be given to the company's long-term development strategy, tax planning, risk management, and control needs. Advantages: 1 Risk isolation: By using holding companies as intermediaries, risk isolation can be formed between the main company and individual shareholders, reducing the debt risk faced by indirect holding shareholders.

2. 分红免税:持股公司从主体公司获得的分红在税法上通常享受免税待遇,有利于资金的再投资和资产的累积。

2. Dividend tax exemption: The dividends obtained by the holding company from the main company usually enjoy tax exemption treatment under tax law, which is conducive to the reinvestment of funds and the accumulation of assets.

3. 转增资本免税:当实体公司未分配利润转增资本时,持股公司作为股东可以享受免税待遇。


3. Tax exemption for converted capital: When an entity company converts undistributed profits into capital, the holding company, as a shareholder, can enjoy tax exemption treatment.

4. 投资损失抵税:持股公司在企业所得税前可以扣除投资损失,而自然人直接持股则无法享受此优惠。

4. Investment loss tax deduction: Holding companies can deduct investment losses before corporate income tax, while natural persons who directly hold shares cannot enjoy this benefit.

5. 控制权集中:通过持股公司,股东可以用较少的资金控制更大的资产,实现以小博大的效果。缺点:1. 股权转让税负较高:在股权转让时,持股公司需要缴纳企业所得税,分红至自然人股东时还需缴纳个人所得税,综合税负可能高达40%。

5. Concentration of control: Through holding companies, shareholders can control larger assets with less capital, achieving the effect of small gains. Disadvantages: 1 The tax burden on equity transfer is relatively high: during equity transfer, the holding company needs to pay corporate income tax, and when distributing dividends to natural person shareholders, it also needs to pay personal income tax, with a comprehensive tax burden of up to 40%.

2. 管理成本增加:设立和维护持股公司需要额外的管理成本和合规成本,包括人员成本和可能的场所维护成本。

2. Increased management costs: Establishing and maintaining a holding company requires additional management and compliance costs, including personnel costs and possible venue maintenance costs.

3. 缺乏灵活性:不适合作为员工持股平台,因为员工持股平台通常需要更灵活的退出机制。

3. Lack of flexibility: Not suitable as an employee stock ownership platform, as employee stock ownership platforms typically require more flexible exit mechanisms.

4. 减持股权时税负较高:与直接持股相比,间接持股在减持时面临更高的税负。

4. Higher tax burden when reducing equity: Compared to direct shareholding, indirect shareholding faces a higher tax burden when reducing equity.

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