If entrepreneurship is viewed as a long-distance rally, the reasons why racing drivers can win include at least the choice of track, the quality of racing drivers, and the performance of sports cars.
跑车赖以启动的那桶汽油,肯定不是胜出的唯一重要因素。创业企业合伙人的早期出资,就好比是那桶汽油。 在过去,如果公司启动资金是100万,出资70万的股东即便不参与创业,占股70%是常识;
The barrel of gasoline that sports cars rely on to start is definitely not the only important factor in winning. The early investment of a startup partner is like that barrel of gasoline. In the past, if a company had a start-up capital of 1 million yuan, it was common sense for shareholders who contributed 700000 yuan to hold 70% of the shares, even if they did not participate in entrepreneurship;
Nowadays, it has become common sense for shareholders who only contribute money but do not work to "spend big money and occupy small stocks".

In the past, the core or even the only basis for shareholders to split their equity was "how much money they paid", and money was a big variable.
Nowadays, people are the major variable in equity distribution.
We have seen that the equity distribution of many entrepreneurial enterprises is a "time mismatch": based on the current contribution of the entrepreneurial team, the future benefits of the company are allocated.
In the early stages of entrepreneurship, it is difficult to evaluate each other's contributions, and the early investment of the entrepreneurial team becomes the core indicator for evaluating team contributions. This leads to partners who have money but lack entrepreneurial ability and mindset becoming major shareholders of the company, while partners who have entrepreneurial ability and mindset but lack funds becoming entrepreneurial partners.
We suggest that the equity of the full-time core partner team be divided into capital stocks and human resources stocks, with capital stocks accounting for a small portion and human resources stocks accounting for a large portion.
The human resources department should be linked to the four-year full-time service period of the entrepreneurial team, and mature in stages. For entrepreneurial teams with a total investment of no more than 1 million yuan, we suggest that the total amount of capital shares should not exceed 20%.