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股权知识 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>股权知识什么是城市合伙人模式?城市合伙人的好处


发布时间:2024-08-12 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/


1、 What is a city partner?


1. Simply put, urban partners are a new business model formed by integrating a series of central ideas such as fan economy, membership economy, and partnership system on the basis of traditional distribution channels


2. The relationship between urban partners and brand owners has transformed from decentralized management through franchising to centralized management through partnership, which not only disperses direct business risks but also has closer management than franchising. So the enterprise became a whole of internal franchising and external partnership


2、 The difference between urban partners and traditional franchisees



City partners do not need to pay franchise fees and can symbolically collect brand deposits, but the amount will not be large because they are both shareholders and partners. The so-called "brand deposit" is actually equivalent to equity investment, where both parties jointly operate the brand and receive dividends according to the agreement. Partners also receive commissions on their own sales.


3、 The advantages of the urban partnership model

1. 双方利益捆绑,城市合伙人要是把品牌做坏了也是自己的损失;对于品牌方获得了低成本快速扩张市场的契机,如果是请销售团队还得增加人工成本

1. The interests of both parties are tied, and if the city partner damages the brand, it will also be their own loss; For the brand to gain the opportunity to rapidly expand the market at low cost, if it is to hire the sales team, it will also require an increase in labor costs

2. 城市合伙人获得了低成本创业的机遇,自己无需太大的资金投入

2. Urban partners have gained opportunities for low-cost entrepreneurship, without the need for significant capital investment

3. 消费者能够获得更舒适的产品体验和发现高质低价的商品,没有中间商差价

3. Consumers can obtain a more comfortable product experience and discover high-quality and low-priced products without any middleman price difference

4. 城市合伙人的商业模式将直营和加盟的优点都结合在一起,品牌方,城市合伙人,消费者三者形成了三赢局面的良性循环

4. The business model of urban partners combines the advantages of direct sales and franchising, forming a virtuous cycle of three wins for the brand, urban partners, and consumers

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