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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态什么是股权代持?股权代持有哪些风险?


发布时间:2024-07-22 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/


In the absence of proxy holding, shareholders need to do business registration, which can be found in the National Enterprise Credit Information Company system (or Enterprise Check, etc.). Some shareholders, in order to avoid related risks, may engage in proxy holding of equity, with anonymous shareholders contributing capital and registering named shareholders as shareholders.


For example, Zhang San wants to invest as a shareholder, but he does not appear in public due to business arrangements, avoidance of competition restrictions, identity, and other reasons. Finally, a proxy shareholding agreement was signed with Li Si, and Li Si was registered as a shareholder. Zhang San can be considered as the rear boss, also known as a hidden shareholder; Li Si is a registered shareholder in the industrial and commercial registration, and is a listed shareholder. This is how Zhang San handed over the equity to Li Si for proxy holding.


The nature of equity proxy holding


Proxy holding of equity is a type of entrusted relationship, in which the principal (anonymous shareholder) can terminate the proxy agreement at any time and request the cooperation of the named shareholder in making the name appear.


Whether the equity proxy holding is legally recognized and valid


Generally effective, if there are mandatory provisions that violate laws and regulations, fraud and coercion, violation of public order and good customs, or malicious collusion, it may be deemed invalid.


There are currently precedents that have recognized the violation of the provisions of the Civil Servant Law prohibiting civil servants from engaging in profit-making activities as valid, but there is still a certain risk of invalidity.



Risks and coping strategies to be aware of when holding equity on behalf of others


1. Anonymous shareholders voluntarily terminate the contract without paying remuneration


Solution: It is necessary to clearly stipulate the payment of remuneration and breach of contract liability in the agreement, in order to facilitate subsequent litigation.


2. The anonymous shareholder has not fully paid up the registered capital, and the company's assets are insufficient to cover its debts. The company's creditors demand that the anonymous shareholder assume the repayment obligation;


Solution: When signing the proxy agreement, the named shareholder should pay attention to whether the registered capital of the anonymous shareholder has been fully paid in. If it has not been fully paid in, it is recommended to require the anonymous shareholder to pay. Otherwise, it is necessary to recover from the anonymous shareholder after paying the corresponding amount to the creditor.


3. If the proxy holding company is involved in a judicial case, the named shareholder may be restricted from consumption or become a dishonest person


Solution: The agreement clearly states that once the company's operations involve judicial cases, all responsibilities shall be borne by the anonymous shareholders or the actual managers of the company.

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