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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态哪些是比较理想的 股权分配方案?

哪些是比较理想的 股权分配方案?

发布时间:2024-07-11 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

当然,要想设计理想的股权分配方案,创始股东需注意守住 2/3以上(>66.7%)的绝对控制线,1/2以上(>50%)的相对控制线,1/3以上(>33.4%)的否决控制线三条控制线。

Of course, in order to design an ideal equity distribution plan, the founding shareholders need to pay attention to maintaining an absolute control line of more than 2/3 (>66.7%), a relative control line of more than 1/2 (>50%), and a veto control line of more than 1/3 (>33.4%).


67% absolute control:


In the absence of specific provisions in the company's articles of association, the person who holds 67% equity is the absolute leader of the company. Because the Company Law stipulates that the majority of company decisions are based on the proportion of capital contributions, meaning that the minority obeys the majority (excluding those specifically stipulated in the company's articles of association).


But some major matters require more than 2/3 of the voting rights, such as "amending the company's articles of association, increasing or decreasing registered capital, mergers, divisions, and dissolution". But with 67% equity, which happens to exceed 2/3, there is a saying that holding 67% is the absolute leader.



This equity model is suitable for partners who have core technology, have invested a lot of money, and have their own team and technology.


51% relative control:


The founder holds 51% of the shares, partners hold 32%, and options hold 17% of the equity. Most of the company's matters can be decided, but only major issues such as amending the company's articles of association, increasing or decreasing registered capital, mergers, divisions, and dissolution cannot be decided without the consent of other shareholders.


So this can hold the equity of the option pool on behalf of the founder, and only release the dividend rights without releasing the voting rights when releasing the options.


34% veto power:


Shareholders hold 34% of the equity, although they cannot fully decide the company's affairs, they have the right to veto major company matters such as amending the company's articles of association, increasing or decreasing registered capital, company merger, division, dissolution, or changing the company's form.


Therefore, shareholders with a shareholding ratio of 33.34% to 50% can influence the execution of major decisions of the company.


When the founder is relatively short of money and the co founders or investors are relatively strong, the founder can retain veto power.

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