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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态董事会为什么要下设委员会?


发布时间:2024-07-05 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/


The emergence of the Board of Directors Committee is a platform for solving the role of independent directors in the future, and it is also the original intention of the committee system design. In the early days, the Board of Directors was composed of an audit committee and a compensation committee. During the operation of the committee, it was found that in addition to providing a platform for independent directors to play their roles, the specialized division of labor has improved the efficiency of the Board of Directors; So, in addition to the Audit and Compensation Committee, which is exclusively used for independent director supervision platforms, the Board of Directors also includes Nomination Committee, Governance Committee, Executive Committee, Strategy Committee, Board Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Investment Committee, and Health, Safety, and Environmental Public Policy Committee to assist the Board of Directors in its work


The more committees there are, the better. Setting up and focusing too much on committees will inevitably sever the effectiveness of the board as a whole, which goes against the original intention of setting up committees. Therefore, setting up committees based on the main responsibilities of the board, the original intention of committee setting, and the actual needs of the enterprise is a principle that a company must follow. Based on the above considerations, the board of directors should set up four committees, namely the audit committee, compensation committee, nomination/governance committee, and strategic investment and risk management committee



Therefore, an audit committee is necessary. Almost all capital markets around the world require the board of directors of listed companies to establish an audit committee to ensure the authenticity of financial reports and compliance with laws and regulations in the operation of the enterprise. This is precisely the most basic responsibility of the board of directors and independent directors. The presence or absence of an audit committee and whether the members of the audit committee are composed of external directors become important criteria for judging whether the board of directors can truly fulfill its supervisory responsibilities


Except for the audit committee, although there are no mandatory legal requirements, 70% of listed companies worldwide have established compensation committees and nomination/governance committees. The compensation committee is mainly responsible for evaluating the performance of senior management and formulating reasonable compensation. The nomination/governance committee is mainly responsible for director nomination and ensuring the effectiveness of corporate governance structure. The work of these two committees is crucial to ensure that the supervisory responsibilities of the board of directors can be fulfilled. Therefore, for an efficient board of directors, these two committees should also be present


The board of directors and independent directors have two basic responsibilities: supervision and decision-making. The Audit, Remuneration, Nomination/Governance Committee is established to ensure the implementation of the supervisory responsibilities of the Board of Directors and independent directors, while the Strategic Investment and Risk Control Committee is established to achieve decision-making functions. An important task of the Board of Directors is to pay attention to and participate in the company's strategic management process, and help the company make effective decisions in strategic planning, execution, capital allocation, mergers and acquisitions, and risk control. In order to more effectively complete these tasks, it is recommended to consider setting up a Strategic Investment and Risk Control Committee


The above four committees are basically what every company should consider setting up. Of course, depending on the actual situation of the company, different committees can also be set up. For example, for some enterprises that cause serious environmental pollution, in order to reverse the company's image in the public eye, these four committees may not be important to them. More importantly, health, safety, environment, and public policy committees should be established


However, it must be pointed out that committees cannot be established endlessly. Too many committees will inevitably require more directors, which will lead to an expansion of the board size and affect the overall effectiveness of the board; Therefore, our suggestion is to first consider the four committees of audit, compensation, nomination/governance, strategic investment, and risk management, and then set up 1-2 other committees according to the actual needs of the company


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