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发布时间:2023-04-28 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

A company is a for-profit organization, and the ultimate goal of founding and operating a company is to make money, which is the general purpose of the founder at the beginning of the equity structure construction. Of course, it is not ruled out that in some cases, starting a company is to achieve personal feelings and dreams, but without the support of funds and capital, it is estimated that no matter what kind of feelings and dreams are just a dream.
As the famous historian and writer of the Western Han Dynasty, Sima Qian, stated in Chapter 129 of the Records of the Grand Historian, "The prosperity of the world is for profit; the bustling of the world is for profit.
In fact, pursuing benefits and avoiding harm is human instinct, and pursuing benefits is also human nature. It is not wrong in itself. However, in the process of pursuing benefits, whether to choose to benefit oneself or harm oneself involves the test of human nature and moral judgment.
A company is a social organization formed by the combination of people and capital. In the process of pursuing and realizing benefits, it inevitably involves the balance of internal interests. How to grasp the scale and ultimately maximize the interests of all parties involved, tests the wisdom of the founder, and also reflects the founder's mind and pattern.
Every entrepreneur is not easy, and behind it lies an admirable and poignant history. In the process of entrepreneurship, some even turn their backs and face immense psychological pressure. In this situation, it is indeed more difficult than normal for entrepreneurs to make a choice between being altruistic or self-interested first. Successful large enterprises often have the feeling that they are ultimately social, and the larger the scale, the more social responsibility they undertake, especially for large and medium-sized enterprises.
But for startups, being able to survive is more important than anything else, and they cannot shoulder any lofty social responsibilities. So for the question of whether to prioritize altruism or self-interest, companies of different industries, sizes, and maturity have different standards, and different bosses and founders also have their own judgments.
Shandong Equity Partnership Design Company believes that in general, the following two factors should be considered when making judgments and choices:
(1) Ownership of control. No matter which order is chosen, it should be made based on a basic logical premise, that is, the boss or main founder should have unshakable control over the company. Under this premise, being altruistic or self-interested first is controllable, rather than forced, which has significant control over achieving the original intention of entrepreneurship and leading the company to grow rapidly.
(2) Judgment of values. Self interest is an instinctive pursuit and also the capital for survival and development. Being completely selfless, even "selfless and dedicated to benefiting others", becomes becoming a charity rather than a business.
Altruism solves the problem of motivating people, using material means such as bonuses and equity to stimulate their inner fighting spirit and strive to achieve the goals of the enterprise through collaboration. Therefore, the value direction of these two options is different.
However, if we can view it from a higher perspective, by achieving others first and ultimately achieving ourselves, forming a "motivational compatibility" effect, it is great wisdom. How to apply this great wisdom based on the actual situation of the enterprise may have multiple standards for each enterprise, but from the perspective of ultimate values, achieving self-interest through altruism is indeed a high level. For more related content, come to our website http://www.daoshangbao.com Consult!
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