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股权知识 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>股权知识股权设计要把握好哪些原则?


发布时间:2021-01-08 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

For a company, equity is linked to the allocation of resources, distribution of interests and corporate governance, and also represents the entrepreneurial culture of CO creation and sharing. Equity design is the top system design of a company. If the equity issue is not handled properly, shareholders will "fight" and even the best products, technologies and operations will fail. So what principles should be grasped in equity design?
1. First, the founder must have a controlling position.
2. The first principle of complementarity is that the advantages of the founding team are complementary, and the shares are arranged in echelon.
3. Principle 1: Reserve 10-20% for future talents to ensure the entry of fresh blood.
4. Incentive principle: as soon as the founding team is established, equity incentive is also required to ensure the core power source.
5. First, the top control right design should be closed, and the bottom equity incentive design.
The above is the introduction of which principles should be grasped in equity design. You can have a look. The articles of association may stipulate that a partner's heirs shall not inherit the qualification of shareholders, but shall only inherit the equity and property rights and interests.
Therefore, it is generally required that the entrepreneurial team, in order to ensure the orderly and benign progress of the project, stipulate in the articles of association that the heirs entitled to partners can only inherit the property rights and interests of equity, but not the qualification of shareholders.
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